Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Big Idea

Once you come up with the idea for the tagline, the entire campaign should embody the same spirit, as in Work's campaign for Crestar Bank. (101)The whole idea that I want to bring to the table to Jeep Wrangler car is that, not just men are the only ones that want to get down and dirty off-roads or just traveling the world, that women also love doing it as well. Jeep created these vehicles for the military, but evolved into a "mans" car, because it is used to get rough and dirty when driving, and to use roads not paved. The context of your family, culture, community, values, friends, aspirations, basic drives, cognitive abilities, defenses, habits, all factor into why you would respond to advertising, donate to a specific charity, purchase one detergent over another, and so on. (69) But times have changed though out the world, in many different was from wars to culture. The combination of the experience and its accompanying emotion create something known widely (and coined as such by Konrad Lorenz) as an imprint. Once an imprint occurs, it strongly conditions our thought processes and shapes our future actions. (68) With the slogan "A little dirty never hurt anybody," because women are not a afraid to get all down and dirty, when it comes to off-roading. Your composition facilitates the viewer's reading of it—think of your composition as if it is an architectural space the viewer has to walk through.(172) To feel, hear and experience, this vehicle has such amazing power that is will make anyone feel that they can make their own paths other than following the normal. 

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